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Discover Quality and Affordability with Our Used Grinding Machines for Sale! Explore a wide selection of reliable, high-performance grinding machines at competitive prices. From surface grinders to cylindrical grinders, we offer a diverse range of pre-owned equipment to suit your machining needs. With thorough inspections and top-notch service, our machines are ready to boost your productivity and efficiency. Don't miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your workshop with our premium used grinding machines. Browse our inventory today and find the perfect solution for your precision grinding tasks!


Looking for a grinding machine? Find answers to common questions: What types of grinding machines are available? What materials can they grind? What are the key features to consider? How do you maintain and operate them? Discover reliable solutions for your machining needs with our comprehensive FAQ.

Eine Schleifmaschine ist eine Werkzeugmaschine, die zum Schleifen verwendet wird. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Bearbeitungsprozess, bei dem durch Abschleifen mit einer Schleifscheibe Material von einem Werkstück entfernt wird. Beim Schleifprozess wird typischerweise eine rotierende Schleifscheibe verwendet, um die Oberfläche eines Werkstücks zu formen oder zu bearbeiten. Schleifmaschinen können für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken eingesetzt werden, darunter Flachschleifen, Rundschleifen, spitzenloses Schleifen sowie Werkzeug- und Fräserschleifen. Sie werden in der Fertigungsindustrie häufig zur Herstellung von Präzisionsbauteilen mit engen Toleranzen und feinen Oberflächengüten eingesetzt.

Der Einsatz einer Schleifmaschine erfordert mehrere Schritte, um einen sicheren und effektiven Betrieb zu gewährleisten. Hier finden Sie einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Verwendung einer Schleifmaschine:

Lesen Sie das Handbuch: Bevor Sie eine Schleifmaschine in Betrieb nehmen, lesen und verstehen Sie sorgfältig die Anweisungen und Sicherheitsrichtlinien des Herstellers im Maschinenhandbuch. Machen Sie sich mit den Bedienelementen, Funktionen und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen der Maschine vertraut.

Tragen Sie geeignete Sicherheitsausrüstung: Tragen Sie geeignete persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA), einschließlich Schutzbrille oder Schutzbrille, Gehörschutz, Handschuhe und bei Bedarf einen Gesichtsschutz, um sich vor herumfliegenden Trümmern und Gefahren zu schützen.

Bereiten Sie das Werkstück vor: Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Werkstück sicher auf dem Arbeitstisch oder Spannfutter der Schleifmaschine montiert oder festgeklemmt ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Werkstück zum Schleifen richtig ausgerichtet und positioniert ist.

Richten Sie die Schleifscheibe ein: Wählen Sie die geeignete Schleifscheibe für die Aufgabe basierend auf dem zu schleifenden Material, der gewünschten Oberflächenbeschaffenheit und anderen Faktoren aus. Montieren Sie die Schleifscheibe sicher auf der Spindel oder Welle der Maschine und befolgen Sie dabei die Anweisungen des Herstellers.

Passen Sie die Maschineneinstellungen an: Stellen Sie die Geschwindigkeit, Vorschubgeschwindigkeit und Schnitttiefe der Maschine entsprechend den Anforderungen des Schleifvorgangs ein. Nutzen Sie die Bedienelemente und Einstellmechanismen der Maschine, um die gewünschten Parameter zu erreichen.

Starten Sie die Maschine: Schalten Sie die Schleifmaschine über den Netzschalter oder das Bedienfeld ein. Lassen Sie die Maschine ihre Betriebsgeschwindigkeit erreichen, bevor Sie mit dem Schleifvorgang beginnen.

Führen Sie den Schleifvorgang durch: Schleifen Sie das Werkstück, indem Sie es gegen die rotierende Schleifscheibe bewegen. Verwenden Sie sanfte, gleichmäßige Striche und halten Sie einen gleichmäßigen Druck aufrecht, um einen gleichmäßigen Materialabtrag und eine gleichmäßige Oberflächengüte zu erzielen.

Überwachen Sie den Maschinenbetrieb: Überwachen Sie kontinuierlich den Betrieb der Schleifmaschine und achten Sie auf ungewöhnliche Geräusche, Vibrationen oder Anzeichen von Überhitzung. Nehmen Sie bei Bedarf Anpassungen an den Maschineneinstellungen vor, um die Leistung zu optimieren und die Qualität sicherzustellen.

Überprüfen Sie das fertige Teil: Überprüfen Sie nach Abschluss des Schleifvorgangs das fertige Teil auf Maßhaltigkeit, Oberflächenbeschaffenheit und etwaige Mängel oder Unregelmäßigkeiten. Verwenden Sie Präzisionsmessgeräte wie Messschieber, Mikrometer oder Oberflächenrauheitstester, um die Teilequalität zu überprüfen.

Aufräumen: Schalten Sie die Schleifmaschine aus und lassen Sie die Schleifscheibe vollständig zum Stillstand kommen, bevor Sie das Werkstück entfernen. Reinigen Sie die Maschine, den Arbeitsbereich und die Umgebung, um Schleifrückstände, Späne und Kühlmittelrückstände zu entfernen.

Wartung: Führen Sie die vom Hersteller empfohlenen routinemäßigen Wartungsarbeiten durch, um die Schleifmaschine in einem guten Betriebszustand zu halten. Dies kann die Reinigung, Schmierung, Einstellung und den Austausch abgenutzter oder beschädigter Komponenten umfassen.

Wenn Sie diese Schritte befolgen und die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen einhalten, können Sie eine Schleifmaschine effektiv und sicher nutzen, um hochwertige Teile mit Präzision und Genauigkeit herzustellen. Wenn Sie neu im Umgang mit Schleifmaschinen sind, sollten Sie eine Schulung oder Anleitung durch erfahrene Bediener in Betracht ziehen, um einen ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb sicherzustellen und die Produktivität zu maximieren.

Choosing the right grinding machine involves considering several key factors to ensure that it meets your specific needs and application requirements. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the best grinding machine for your purposes:

Define Your Grinding Needs: Identify the specific types of grinding operations you need to perform, such as surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, centerless grinding, or tool and cutter grinding. Consider factors such as the size, shape, and material of the parts you’ll be grinding.

Determine Required Specifications: Consider the technical specifications and features that are important for your application, including grinding wheel size and type, horsepower, spindle speed, workpiece capacity, and precision requirements.

Consider Machine Size and Capacity: Choose a grinding machine with the appropriate size and capacity to handle the size and volume of parts you’ll be grinding. Consider factors such as the workpiece dimensions, weight, and production volume.

Evaluate Machine Construction and Stability: Look for a grinding machine with a sturdy and rigid construction to ensure stability and accuracy during grinding operations. Consider factors such as the machine’s base, bed, column, and spindle design.

Assess Machine Controls and Automation: Consider the level of automation and control features offered by the grinding machine, such as CNC (Computer Numerical Control) capabilities, automatic tool changers, and programmable parameters. Choose a machine with controls that are easy to use and intuitive for operators.

Review Manufacturer Reputation and Support: Research the reputation and track record of the grinding machine manufacturer, including factors such as reliability, durability, and customer support. Look for reviews, testimonials, and references from other users or industry experts.

Compare Pricing and Value: Compare pricing and value for different grinding machine models based on their specifications, features, and performance. Consider factors such as upfront cost, total cost of ownership, and return on investment over the machine’s lifespan.

Consider Space and Installation Requirements: Evaluate the space available in your facility and any specific installation requirements for the grinding machine, such as power supply, floor space, ventilation, and environmental conditions.

Evaluate Service and Maintenance Support: Consider the availability of service and maintenance support for the grinding machine, including access to spare parts, technical assistance, and warranty coverage.

Seek Recommendations and Consult Experts: Seek recommendations and advice from experienced operators, industry peers, and technical experts when selecting a grinding machine. They can provide valuable insights and guidance based on their experience and expertise.

By carefully considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose a grinding machine that meets your specific requirements and delivers reliable performance for your grinding operations.

Grinding machines work by removing material from a workpiece to create the desired surface finish or shape. The process typically involves the use of a rotating grinding wheel, which contains abrasive particles that remove material through abrasive action. Here’s a general overview of how grinding machines work:

Setup: The workpiece is securely mounted on the machine’s worktable or held in a chuck or fixture, depending on the type of grinding operation being performed.

Grinding Wheel: A grinding wheel, typically made of abrasive grains bonded together with a bonding material, is mounted on the spindle of the grinding machine. The grinding wheel rotates at high speed, driven by an electric motor or other power source.

Contact: The rotating grinding wheel comes into contact with the surface of the workpiece, applying pressure and removing material through abrasion. The abrasive grains on the surface of the grinding wheel cut into the workpiece, generating heat and removing small chips of material.

Feed Rate: The workpiece is fed into the grinding wheel at a controlled rate, either manually or automatically, to achieve the desired material removal rate and surface finish. The feed rate may be adjusted based on factors such as material type, hardness, and desired surface finish.

Coolant: In some grinding operations, coolant or cutting fluid is used to lubricate the grinding wheel and workpiece, reduce friction, and dissipate heat generated during grinding. Coolant also helps flush away grinding debris and prevent thermal damage to the workpiece.

Finishing: The grinding process continues until the desired surface finish or dimensional accuracy is achieved. Depending on the application, multiple passes may be required to achieve the desired result.

Monitoring: Operators monitor the grinding process closely, paying attention to factors such as grinding wheel wear, workpiece temperature, and surface finish. Adjustments may be made to machine settings or feed rates as needed to optimize performance and ensure quality.

Completion: Once the grinding process is complete, the workpiece is removed from the machine, and any final finishing operations may be performed, such as deburring or polishing, to achieve the desired surface finish and dimensional accuracy.

Overall, grinding machines are versatile tools used for shaping and finishing metal, wood, plastics, and other materials with precision and accuracy. The specific operation and parameters used depend on factors such as the type of grinding operation, material properties, and desired surface finish.

There are several well-known brands that manufacture grinding machines, offering a wide range of models and configurations to suit various applications and industries. Here are some of the prominent grinding machine brands:

Haas: Haas Automation is a leading manufacturer of CNC machining centers, including vertical machining centers, horizontal machining centers, and rotary tables. They offer a range of precision grinding machines, including cylindrical grinders and surface grinders.

Makino: Makino is a global provider of advanced machining technology and engineering solutions. They produce high-performance CNC machining centers, EDM machines, and grinding machines for various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and medical.

Studer: Studer is a Swiss manufacturer of high-precision cylindrical grinding machines renowned for their quality, accuracy, and reliability. They offer a comprehensive range of cylindrical grinders for external, internal, and universal grinding applications.

ANCA: ANCA is an Australian manufacturer specializing in CNC tool and cutter grinding machines. They produce a range of advanced grinding machines for the production and resharpening of cutting tools used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical.

Okamoto: Okamoto Corporation is a Japanese manufacturer of precision surface grinding machines and profile grinding machines. They offer a variety of models for surface grinding, form grinding, and creep feed grinding applications.

Junker: Junker Group is a German manufacturer of high-precision grinding machines for cylindrical, non-cylindrical, and universal grinding applications. They specialize in innovative grinding solutions for industries such as automotive, aerospace, and tool manufacturing.

United Grinding Group: United Grinding Group is a Swiss provider of grinding solutions with a portfolio of brands including Studer, Schaudt, Mikrosa, Walter, and Blohm. They offer a comprehensive range of grinding machines for various applications and industries.

Toyoda: Toyoda Machinery USA is a leading manufacturer of precision grinding machines and machining centers. They offer a wide range of cylindrical grinders, horizontal machining centers, and vertical machining centers for automotive, aerospace, and other industries.

These are just a few examples of the many reputable brands that manufacture grinding machines worldwide. When choosing a grinding machine, it’s important to consider factors such as the specific application requirements, machine specifications, and budget constraints. Consulting with industry experts and evaluating customer reviews can also help in selecting the right grinding machine for your needs.

The cost of a grinding machine can vary widely depending on several factors, including its size, capacity, features, brand, and geographic location. Grinding machines can range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars for smaller, bench-top models used in hobbyist or small-scale applications, to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for larger, industrial-grade machines used in heavy-duty production environments.

When considering the cost of a grinding machine, it’s essential to take into account not only the upfront purchase price but also factors such as ongoing maintenance and operating costs, as well as the potential return on investment in terms of increased productivity, efficiency, and quality of finished parts.

To get an accurate price quote for a specific grinding machine, it’s best to contact manufacturers or authorized dealers directly, as prices can vary depending on the specific model, configuration, and any additional features or customization options required for your application. Additionally, considering factors such as warranty coverage, technical support, and available financing options can help you make an informed decision when purchasing a grinding machine.

Surface grinders, cylindrical grinders, centerless grinders, and tool and cutter grinders are some common types.

Grinding machines can handle various materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and composites.

Grinding machines offer precision, efficiency, and versatility for shaping and finishing parts with tight tolerances and complex geometries.

Always wear eye protection, ensure the machine is properly grounded, avoid loose clothing or jewelry, and use guards and safety devices provided.