Strung CNC eficient VIGERT CKA6140 folosit de vânzare




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CKA6140 Strung CNC eficient

CKA6140 Strung CNC eficient

A CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathe, also known as a computer numerical control lathe, is a type of machine tool used for machining various materials such as metal, plastic, wood, and more. It’s a versatile and highly automated machine that allows for precise and complex turning operations.

Here are some key aspects of a CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathe:

  1. Computer Numerical Control (CNC): CNC technology involves using computer programs to control and automate the movements and operations of the lathe. It allows for precise control of cutting tools and workpiece positioning.
  2. Turning Operations: A CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathe primarily performs turning operations, where the workpiece is rotated against a cutting tool. The cutting tool removes material to create the desired shape, such as cylinders, cones, and other rotational forms.
  3. Components:
    • Ax: The spindle holds and rotates the workpiece.
    • Chuck or Collet: These hold the workpiece securely in place on the spindle.
    • Cutting Tools: Various cutting tools are used to shape the workpiece based on the desired design.
    • turelă de scule: A tool turret or tool changer holds multiple cutting tools and can automatically select and change tools during the machining process.
  4. Axis of Movement: CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathes have several axes of movement, including:
    • X-axis: Represents the longitudinal movement of the tool along the workpiece.
    • Z-axis: Represents the movement towards or away from the spindle.
    • Some advanced CNC lathes may have additional axes for more complex operations.
  5. Programming and Operation: CNC lathes require programming using specialized software. The programming defines the toolpaths and operations needed to create the desired part. Operators need to understand the programming language (often G-code) and operate the machine accordingly.
  6. Acuratețe și precizie: CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathes offer high precision and accuracy in machining, enabling the production of parts with tight tolerances and intricate designs.
  7. Aplicații: CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathes are used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, and more. They’re essential for producing components like shafts, bushings, valves, and other cylindrical or rotational parts.

In summary, a CKA6140 Efficient CNC Lathe is a sophisticated machine tool that uses computer-controlled operations to shape and machine workpieces into desired shapes and forms through turning operations.

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