Used VIGERT 1000T Metal Scrap Shear Machine For Sale

Greutate 400000 kg

85% Nou

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800T Ferrous Material Shearing Tool

Metal Scrap shear Machine is an industrial-grade equipment designed to cut and process large volumes of metal scrap efficiently. Here’s a detailed description of its components, operation, and features:

  1. Cadru și Structură: Metal Scrap shear Machine . The shear machine features a heavy-duty frame and structure constructed from high-strength steel to                         withstand the immense forces involved in cutting metal scrap. The frame provides stability and support for the various components of the machine.
  2. Sistem hidraulic:  Metal Scrap shear Machine . Similar to the hydraulic metal scrap shredder, the shear machine is powered by a robust hydraulic system. This system drives the primary functions of the machine, including the operation of the cutting blades and the movement of various components.
  3. Cutting Blades: At the heart of the shear machine are the cutting blades, which are designed to slice through thick metal scrap with ease. These blades are typically made from hardened steel and come in various configurations depending on the type and thickness of the metal being cut.
  4. Shearing Action: The metal scrap is loaded into the shear machine, where hydraulic cylinders apply immense pressure to the cutting blades. This shearing action cleanly cuts through the metal, separating it into smaller, manageable pieces.
  5. Hold-Down Devices: 1000T Metal Scrap shear Machine . To ensure accurate and precise cutting, the shear machine may feature hold-down devices that secure the metal scrap in place during the cutting process. These devices prevent movement and distortion of the material, resulting in clean and uniform cuts.
  6. Sistem de control: Like other industrial machines, the shear machine is operated via a control panel that allows operators to start, stop, and adjust the cutting process as needed. Advanced shear machines may feature programmable controls and automation for increased efficiency and productivity.
  7. Masuri de siguranta: 1000T Mtal Scrap shear Machine . Safety is paramount when operating a shear machine of this magnitude. Therefore, it is equipped with various safety features, including emergency stop buttons, safety guards, and sensors to detect and respond to potential hazards.
  8. Transportor de descărcare: Once the metal scrap is cut into smaller pieces, it is discharged from the shear machine via a conveyor belt or chute. The discharge conveyor transports the processed material to a collection point or further processing equipment.
  9. Versatilitate: A 1000-ton metal scrap shear machine is capable of cutting a wide range of metal scrap, including steel, aluminum, copper, and more. Its versatility makes it indispensable in industries such as metal recycling, demolition, and manufacturing.





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SKU: PB- QC12K-6X3200-20-0926-1 Categorie: Etichetă: